Tuesday 14 May 2013


Last weekend wasn't spent doing a great deal, after all, we are getting to that point in the month where your money begins to run low, pay day seems like it takes an age to come. Plus we had the thought of our impending trip to Wales in our mind so made the decision not to do much. 

That was until the impromptu decision to visit Ikea! Home to flat pack furniture, meatballs and hot dogs. 

The next 4 hours was spent aimlessly following arrows around the warehouse, H running havoc on every display and Lea putting random things in the trolley with the promise to "review" them as we approach the tills later. 
H seems to be having a blast thinking we had visited every living room and kitchen in the world.
I on the other hand enjoyed the much needed stop off for obligatory meat balls and sauce...you never get enough sauce. 

On reflection I think I got the better deal as Lea took over reins duty on the second half of the visit and by then H's legs must have been getting tired with the anchors promptly going on in the lighting section. 
Thankfully Lea kept to her promise of "review" said trolley and the end bill wasn't that bad and of course, it all fitted in the car. 
Sunday was spent much the same (in terms of not doing a lot) except Lea had her hair cut, I watched my beloved Leicester and H played on his newly acquired ikea crafts table....

Back to work again...Wales next week

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Working From Home

Today and yesterday have been spent working from home or as I like to call it WFH. This has great benefits for me as I work in a place 50+ miles from where I live so the cost benefits and the ability to start AND finish work early without having an hour travel time of which I spend most of it cursing other drivers, seems highly attractive.

There is a but though.... You need to be extremely focused and strong willed to get the same amount of work done than when your actually in the workplace.

For instance, at this moment I am currently writing this when I should be populating figures. Other activities today include Football Manager, Twitter, dragging down my iPhone screen to refresh Facebook for a good continuous 30 mins even though all my friends will be at work, doing working like I should be, bar the weird odd one or two who repost pics of kittens saying if I don't like them within 26 seconds I will be doomed!! I'm already doomed, as it is now way past lunch and I haven't done anything....that reminds me.... I haven't had lunch yet!

Remember...WFH isn't always best.

J x

Tuesday 19 February 2013


So.... its begun. I've finally decided to start a blog to just talk about things in my life...maybe not interesting to many but hopefully some people will find it slightly funny, maybe even follow it.

This is me... James, or Jim to my friends... I'm nearly 30 (which doesn't bother me) I'm married to my university crush and slightly older :-) wife, L. We have a beautiful son, which for the purpose of weird people on the internet, I shall called him Harrisaurus. H is nearly 2 now and he is my greatest invention.   I have a massive love for all things technology, especially anything made by Apple.
By day I work for a financial institution (aka a Bank) and before you hate me, I don't get paid ridiculous bonuses and I also hate bankers too, well at least those who earn mega bucks... unfortunately its the front line staff who get the stick though.

I'm not really sure what this blog is going to contain but feel free to make suggestions, leave comments, or don't come back, the choice is yours....

Enjoy.... x